我們目前在國內外的寄售點約八十個,當中包括台北101、東京日本橋誠品、台灣誠品生活、新光三越、Sogo百貨、機場免稅商店、松菸、西門紅樓、博物館商品、D2 place、南豐紗廠、JCCAC之選品店等。
Meteorillust Creation Co., Ltd. was established in 2017, with accessories embroidery and illustration brand Meteorillust, which was founded in Taiwan by Meteor, a girl from Hong Kong. We insist on our own design, combining various materials with illustrations and embroidery to extend a variety of small cultural and creative products. Our team members are all Taiwanese. We are remarkable for insisting that everything from materials to production is “Made in Taiwan.”
We currently have about 80 consignment points at Taiwan and oversea including Taipei 101,Eslite Spectrum Nihonbashi, Eslite Life, Shin Kong Mitsukoshi, Sogo Department Store, Airport Duty Free Shops, Songshan Cultural and Creative Park, Ximen Red House, Museum Goods, D2 place,The Mills, JCCAC's selection store, etc.
In the past two years, our partners have worked with Taipower, Eslite Spectrum,Taichung social housing, Hayashi Department Store, Yilan Bambi Land, etc., and have accumulated a massive amount of partnership experience. We are pleased to work on more interesting projects. Any partnership or idea regarding illustrations or product development are welcome.
国内から海外まで、80箇所商品預かっております。台北101、日本橋誠品書店、台湾誠品生活、新光三越、そごう百貨、空港免税店、松山文創園区、西門紅樓、博物館、D2 place、南豐紗廠、JCCACなどのセレクトショップに販売しております。